Weihai Huatai Molecular Sieve Co.Ltd, established in 2002, is one of the leading carbon molecular sieve developer, manufacturer and supplier in China. With over 10 years’ experience, we have developed and produced a wide range of high quality performance CMS products. We offer a wide range of CMS products at a competitive price and performance ratio for PSA-based nitrogen generation. We also provide CMS refining service.
Weihai Huatai Molecular Sieve Co.,Ltd
Address: No.10-3 Northest of Xiangshan Road, Wendeng City, Shandong Province, China, 264400
Tel: +86-631-3563195
Mobile: +86-15306314159
Email: huataicms@outlook.com
Website: www.碳分子篩.com, m.cdmati.com
Skype: Mzy776